Code Compliance

The Code Compliance department is responsible for inspecting and enforcing all health and safety codes and ordinances adopted by the Town of Slaughterville.  The ordinances can be found by visiting town hall or clicking here Ordinances.

It is the duty of the Code Compliance Officer to enforce ordinances for the town.  Code Compliance officer(s) respond to complaints and code violations.  If a violation is found, the responsible property owner is notified and given a time frame to correct the violation.  If the property owner fails to correct the violation, the town may abate and/or take legal action against the responsible property owner.

If the violation is abated, then the town may recover the abatement fees, attorney fees, court cost and lien filing fees filed against the affected property.  If a summary abatement occurs, then a lien is placed on the responsible property owner’s real estate, and it is then collected as property tax.

The intent of Code Compliance Department is to work with the citizens to achieve compliance and avoid unnecessary time and expense of action.  Effective communication is the key to achieving compliance.  Our department is willing to work with anyone that will communicate with the town regarding needing time for completion that may reasonably exceed the time provided in the violation notice.  If we do not hear from the recipient of the notice, then the appropriate action will commence at the deadline imposed.  To provide the best communication possible, each violation notice mailed out contains information on how to reach the compliance officer.   The compliance officer spends most of their time in the field, and are not always available, therefore, it is highly suggested to make an appointment for effective time management if you wish to meet with the officer in person.

Code complaints or inquiries may be submitted by calling 405-872-3000 or submitting online via the town website at Contact Us | Slaughterville, Oklahoma.